J. E. Thompson On…My personal Journey to Writing Confidence!

Stormy Winds cover the March 2015 Publication!
Stormy Winds cover the March 2015 Publication!
Writing Confidence!
We all struggle to write our best all the time and without interference from our inner self. We hear negative comments from other people, we don’t need to have to fight our inner self.
When I was young I struggled with this “Self-Confidence” problem, until a wonderful high school English teacher, Mrs. Egan, changed my whole perspective.
Enjoy this motivational YouTube video about my writing journey to success as a novelist. This journey culminated with me winning the 2011 Readers Favorite National Gold Medal for Ghost of Atlanta.
J. E. Thompson’s novels include A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, the national award winning Ghost of Atlanta, Phantoms of Rockwood and Stormy Winds that will be published in March 2015.
J. E. Thompson has been nominated for the 2014 Georgia Author of the year award for Phantoms of Rockwood.
Now onto bigger and even better goals!!!!
<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlypVbPJTPE&#8221; title=”Please Click to watch the YouTube Motivational Video!!”>

Book publishing, disrupted

Memphis Jpreneurs

by Amelia Ables

Given the rise of  e-book sales, it’s interesting to see what’s going on with the major book publishers. Analyst firm PwC estimates that e-book sales will reach $8.2 billion by 2017.

This shows that not only are people using e-books, but that they will more than likely continue to choose them over traditional paper books. “The advantages of e-books are clear,” says New York Times writer Moshin Hamid. “E-books are immediate. While traveling…I can bring along several volumes, weightless and indeed without volume…” Hamid says.

This ease of access shows that books are easier to obtain than ever before, considering that readers can effortlessly download a book onto their e-reader of choice. The challenge that book publishers and brick-and-mortar bookstores face is how to compete in the digital marketplace.

Amazon has done a lot to disrupt the book publishing industry. The greatest way it did, of course, was…

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Stormy Winds Book Cover!

Stormy WindsJ. E. Thompson’s fifth novel, Stormy Winds will be published in March 2015. Check out Kellie Dennis’ provactive book cover that is innovative and mysterious that reflects the tone and message of the novel. J. E. Thompson is a big William Shakespeare fan for the last forty years. This novel, Stormy Winds, is his Macbeth. It’s dark and moody but very entertaining with a vital message about overcoming any problem.
Short Synopsis: “Stormy Winds explores former sports writer Justin Fleming’s perseverance over destructive themes and events in his life.
Chapter One: Justin Fleming walked briskly past the Broadway Diner on 52nd Street in West Philadelphia. The air was a ruthless acrid reaching down into his lungs making his body shiver with each breath.
His body trembled, he began to mumble.
(The rest coming in March 2015!)