Julius Thompson with Brooklyn Icons!

Brooklyn Landmark!

I was surfing the “Neighborhood History” website recently, which includes notable personalities from Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant, and I was admiring all the Icon’s from this famous section of this New York City Borough.

     As I was scrolling down the website when I saw “Notable Community Residents.” I saw Jay Z, Tracy Morgan, Lawrence Fishbourne, Spike Lee, Aaliyah, Ben Vereen, Big Daddy Kane, Chris Rock, Eubie Blake, Gabourey Sidibe and then I saw Julius Thompson! My picture and a link to an article about me on Wikipedia was right there with all these incredible Brooklyn Icons.
    I sat stunned looking at the computer screen with my picture among some of the most talented Black personalities in America.
    I yelled so loud that I scared my sister (smile). Click halfway down and you will see my picture.
    I’m still reeling!

A television interview in the future would be a pipe dream for me? That was a question I often wondered would I ever have the opportunity to answer.

I would daydream of a stint on C-SPAN’sBook TV or an interview at the round table with Charlie Rose.

Wow, I thought if this would become a reality I could generate major book sales and a movie deal and of course the purchase a major publishing house (smile).

I let out a sigh! And I would say to myself stop dreaming and wake up.

Well all of the above is fiction…fornow!

But my goal of appearing on a television program to discuss my books and a passion of writing is a reality.

I will be a guest author on a great show called “Pages” on CAU-TV, a public access channel on Comcast, located in Atlanta,

The guest appearance will take place on Tuesday,  Oct. 18, 2011 at 1:30 PM. What a spectacular birthday present.

This has been a whirl wind two weeks with Ghost of Atlanta a 2011 Reader’s Favorite National Fiction Award Gold Winner, a speaking engagement at the AJC-Decatur Book Festival and now a guest appearance on a local television

Ms. Chasity E. Evans, a producer for CAU-TV emailed me: “I am highly interested and would be thrilled if you could come!”

Of course I emailed her back within minutes with a resounding “Yes.”

I call this my “Birthday Interview” and it will mark my television debut.

I want to wholeheartedly thank fellow author Ms. Madge Owens for recommending me to be on the “Pages” Program.

What an after thought. When you sit on the television set and smile, do you look at the Host or the monitor?

I’ll find the answer over the next few weeks as I prepare for this Blessed

An Author’s Experience at the 2011 AJC-Decatur Book Festival!

I had a fantastic three days at the 2011 AJC-Decatur Festival  Labor Day
weekend . I met fellow PWP authors Omegia Keys and Tiffany A. Flowers , on
Saturday, at the Passionate Writer Publishing Booth on Ponce de Leon in front of
Starbucks in Decatur, Georgia.

Fantastic award-winning author Kane had a wonderful booth as he sold
many, many copies of his novel, “Aleron”. He did a wonderful job with the
presentation at the Local Prose Stage at Twains on late Saturday afternoon.

When I went to the authors reception room I had the opportunity to
meet a legend in Dr. Elizabeth Nunez.  She is currently a professor of Creative
Writing at Hunter College in Manhattan. We had a great conversation and then I
listened to her presentation on her new book “Boundaries”. She is an incredible

On Friday at the AJC-Decatur Book Festival Writer’s Workshops, I
attended a session on “Writing Vivid Characters: Details, Dimension and Drive by
Jame Lough who teaches at the Savannah College of Art in Savannah, Georgia. It
was really informatiive,

It was a inspiritational and rewarding  weekend to network and meet some
fantastic authors like Jeffery Wells, “The Atlanta Ripper”, and legendary author
Clyde Edgerton, New York Times Best Selling author Mary Kay Andrews and
fantastic author Wendy Wax.

I  spoke on Saturday at the “Local Prose Stage” at Twains in Decatur
about my National Award Winning novel Ghost of Atlanta. The novel was a 2011
Readers Favorite Gold Winner beating out 80 books in the Fiction-General

It was a fantastic literary weekend and with God’s Blessing I will have
many more!