Thompson On…Do One Thing Everyday That Scares You!”

 I can’t believe I waited until the autumn years of my life to take on risky business!

For the first time in my life, I stepped out with a video blog about writing confidence where I had to face the camera and express my feelings in public. That was an exhilarating experience.

Now, I’ve developed an interactive website with funky music (developed my Donald Moody II), videos and audio readings of certain chapters of Philly Style and Philly Profile.

I was nervous with the Video Blog, which you can watch on the Biography page of my new website, , and is receiving positive recognition on YouTube.

Now, with this new 21st Century Website, with all the flash, colorful images and sounds, it’s enough to drive a person out of middle age.

I feel this is the next step in the marketing of my books: A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, the National Award winning Ghost of Atlanta, Purple Phantoms, which will be published  by Passionate Writer Publishing in 2012 and Chasing The Wind my book that is under construction for the next two years.

I remember what Eleanor Roosevelt once said: Do one thing every day that scares you.”

You better believe I’m scared!

However, that is what life is about: Growth and Change and Ultimate Success!

Enjoy my new website with original music by Donald Moody II in the Flash Intro:

Julius Thompson Enrolled in the Digitial Revolution!!!!!!

When you read a novel, it is not only for entertainment, but to learn something about life.Oh, how we human beings must meet and overcome new challenges.

I love the character of Jane Marple from the Agatha Christie Mystery series.

Miss Marple said in the book Of Bertram’s Hotel, when another character pined about life changing and not staying the same: “The Essence of life is change.”

Wow, that struck me!

I applied that axiom to my life and to the marketing of my novels: A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, Ghost of Atlanta, Purple Phantoms and Chasing the Wind.

Now, I’ve gone digital and my high school students are proud!

Jump onto your computer, Ipad, Iphone, Nook Book and cell phone and enjoy my multi-media digital world!

Video: Enjoy my “Thompson On…”  Blog video Series

Thompson on Blog Series:

Audio Book: Listen sections of my novels!

Prologue: Philly Style and Philly Profile

Chapter 23: Philly Style and Philly Profile

Mobile: Now you can find my websites about Julius Thompson and his books on Cell phones, Ipads, Nooks and other mobile devices!

Marketing Videos for Purple Phantoms and my past book tours:

Purple Phantoms:

Book Marketing National Tours:

How I reached the writing of my fifth novel: Chasing The Wind

   I’m writing my fifth novel: Chasing The Wind.

When I look at the word “Fifth”, it scares me. It seems like just yesterday I was working on my first novel, A Brownstone in Brooklyn. With the publication of  Brownstone, I thought my novel writing days were over.

Now, four books later and I’m going strong in crafting novels.

I’m on a roll.

However, the crafting of a novel is never easy. There is character development with character resumes, scene construction, setting or the sense of place in a book, point of view, descriptive details, pacing, etc.

The elements of a novel are daunting and must be conquered  and woven together into a cohesive book that will grab and keep readers turning the pages.

In Chasing The Wind, I want to explore how characters persevere over or destroyed by ever changing themes in their lives.

After the publication of A Brownstone in Brooklyn in 2001, the flood gates opened with Philly Style and Philly Profile in 2007, Ghost of Atlanta in 2011 and Purple Phantoms in 2012.

My fourth novel, Purple Phantoms, will be published by Passionate Writer Publishing which published the National Gold Medal Award Winning Ghost of Atlanta.

I learned something from Terry Kay, the incredible southern author, that has helped me since 2005, when I started writing Philly Style and Philly Profile, and that is when I finish a book, “don’t get up from the desk until you have written the first line of the next book.”

That has helped me stay in the process of writing a novel. The writing never stops and I LOVE it!


       PS: In the title of the book is it:  “the” or The”a little help please (smile).

Please visit my website!